Subject is exactly
210303 Australian History (excl Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History)
Interview with Dewi Fajarningsih
Dewi Fajarningsih is an Indonesian who studied at The University of Queensland in 2009-2010. She studied on an Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) and completed a Master of Biotechnology. The interview was conducted in Indonesian on 13 May 2014 by Dr. Ahmad Suaedy of the Abdurrahman Wahid Centre for Inter-faith Dialogue and Peace at Universitas Indonesia. This set comprises: an interview recording, a transcript of the interview in Indonesian, a transcript of the interview translated into English, and a photograph. -
Interview with Defri Yona
Defri Yona is an Indonesian who studied at the University of Newcastle in 2007-2008. She studied on an Australian Partnerships Scholarship (APS) and completed a Masters in Marine Science. The interview was conducted in English on 15 July 2014 by Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording in three parts, a timed summary, and a photograph. -
Interview with Deddy Mulyana
Deddy Mulyana is an Indonesian who studied at Monash University in 1992-1995. Before coming to Australia, he completed his Masters degree in the US on a Fulbright scholarship. He then studied in Melbourne on an Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB) Scholarship and completed his PhD in Sociology. The interview was conducted in English on 29 April 2014 by Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University and Dr. Ahmad Suaedy of the Abdurrahman Wahid Centre for Inter-faith Dialogue and Peace at Universitas Indonesia. This set comprises: an interview recording in two parts, a timed summary and a photograph. -
Interview with Danny Ardianto
NOTE: Transcript and audio removed at interviewee's request Danny Ardianto is an Indonesian who studied in Australia at Monash University in 2008-2010. He was awarded an Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) and completed a Masters of Accounting. When the interview was recorded he was studying for a PhD on a Monash International Postgraduate Research Scholarship. The interview is conducted in English by Dr Jemma Purdey of Deakin University on 14 May 2014. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary and a photograph. -
Interview with Dana Santoso
Dana Santoso is an Indonesian who studied at the University of Queensland on two occasions; in 1989-1993, and in 1999-2003. In both periods of study, he studied on an Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) scholarship, and he completed first a Masters, then a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. The interview was conducted in English on 28 April 2014 by Dr. Jemma Purdey and Prof. David Lowe, both of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording, a photo and a timed summary. -
Interview with Chusnul Mariyah
Chusnul Mariyah is an Indonesian who studied at The University of Sydney in the 1990s. She studied on an Arts Institute (AI) Scholarship initially, before studying on an Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB) Scholarship. While in Australia she completed a Masters and a PhD in Political Science. The interview was conducted in English on 23 April 2014 by Dr. Jemma Purdey and Prof. David Lowe, both of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording, a photograph and a timed summary. -
Interview with Christine Wamala Uru
Christine Wamala Uru is a Papua New Guinean who studied at the University of Newcastle in 2010. She studied on an Australian Awards scholarship and completed an Advanced Diploma in Community Services Welfare Work. The interview was conducted in English on 17 December 2014 by Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary, and a photograph. -
Interview with Boediono, former Vice President of Indonesia
Boediono studied and worked in Australia on several occasions. He studied at the University of Western Australia in the 1960s on a Colombo Plan scholarship, completing a degree in economics in 1967. He then went on to complete a Masters degree at Monash University. He later obtained a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in the 1970s and also worked at the Australian National University as a research assistant. Boediono was a Bank of Indonesia deputy governor from 1997 to 1998 and served as State Minister of National Planning and Development from 1998 to October 1999. He served as Vice President of Indonesia 2009-2014 and has worked as an academic, teaching economics at Gadjah Mada University. The interview was conducted in English on 23 April 2014 by Professor David Lowe and Dr Jemma Purdey of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording, a photograph, and a transcript of the interview. -
Interview with Boediono Soebroto
Boediono Soebroto is an Indonesian who studied at Melbourne University in 1963-1968. He studied on a Colombo Plan scholarship and completed a Bachelor of Architecture. The interview was conducted in English on 7 August 2014 by Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording in three parts, a timed summary, and a photograph. -
Interview with Bob Sugeng Hadiwinata
Bob Sugeng Hadiwinata is an Indonesian who studied at Monash University in 1990-1993. He studied on an Australian International Development Bureau (AIDAB) Scholarship and completed a Masters in International Relations. In 1995 he accepted another scholarship to Cambridge University where he completed his PhD. The interview was conducted in English by Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University on 1 May 2014. This set comprises: a recording of the interview, a photograph, and a timed summary. -
Interview with Bevaola Kusumasari
Bevaola Kusumasari is an Indonesian who studied at Monash University in 2008-2012. She studied on an Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) and completed a PhD in Disaster Management. The interview was conducted in English on 28 May 2014 by Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary, and a photograph. -
Interview with Bernadetha Sarono Mitakda
Bernadetha Sarono Mitakda is an Indonesian who studied at The University of Sydney in 1983-1988. She studied on an Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB) Scholarship and completed a PhD in Statistics. The interview was conducted in English on 23 October 2014 by Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary and a photograph. -
Interview with Beatrice G. Mahuru
Beatrice G. Mahuru is a Papua New Guinean who studied at Somerville House in Brisbane in 1990-1991. She studied on an Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) Scholarship and completed Year 11 and 12 of her Secondary School Education in Australia. The interview was conducted in English on 16 December 2014 by Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary, and a photograph. -
Interview with Bambang Pranowo
Bambang Pranowo is an Indonesian who studied at Monash University in 1985-1991. He studied on a Colombo Plan Scholarship and completed a PhD in Anthropology. His thesis was on Islamic tradition in rural Java and was published as a book in 2009. The interview was conducted in English in February 2015 by Dr. Ahmad Suaedy of the Abdurrahman Wahid Centre for Inter-faith Dialogue and Peace at Universitas Indonesia. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary and a photograph. -
Interview with Baiq Yulfia Elsadewi Yanuartati
Baiq Yulfia Elsadewi Yanuartati is an Indonesian who studied at the University of Queensland (UQ) in 2008-2009. She studied on an Australian Partnerships Scholarship (APS) and completed a Masters in Rural Systems Management. The interview was conducted in English on 5 August 2014 by Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary, and a photograph. -
Interview with Anggiet Ariefianto
Anggiet Ariefianto is an Indonesian who studied in Australia at Melbourne University in 2001-2003. He was awarded an Australian Development Scholarship and completed a Graduate Diploma and a Masters degree in Asian Studies. Mr Ariefianto works for Australian Aid and has travelled widely, living and working in China, the Netherlands, Ireland, Sweden, Cambodia, Canada, Thailand and Myanmar. The interview was conducted in English by Dr Jemma Purdey of Deakin University on 23 April 2014. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary and a photograph. -
Interview with Andu Nawio Jimba Rawali
Andu Nawio Jimba Rawali is a Papua New Guinean who studied at the University of Southern Queensland in 2008-2009. She studied on an Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) and completed a Masters in Business Administration. The interview was conducted on 28 September by Dr. Musawe Sinebare and Mr. Gande James, both of Pacific Adventist University. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary and a photograph. -
Interview with Amin Wibowo
Amin Wibowo is an Indonesian who studied in Australia on two occasions; at Monash University in 1997-1998 and at Curtin University in 2003-2008. On both occasions she studied on Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) scholarships and she completed her Masters in Business Administration during her time at Monash University, before completing her PhD in the same field while at Curtin University. The interview was conducted in English and Indonesian on 27 May 2014 by Dr. Ahmad Suaedy of the Abdurrahman Wahid Centre for Inter-faith Dialogue and Peace at Universitas Indonesia, and Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording, and a transcript of the interview which contains both English and Indonesian translations. -
Interview with Ahmad Helmy Fuady
Ahmad Helmy Fuady is an Indonesian who studied at ANU in 2005. He completed a Masters of International Development and Economics. The interview was conducted in English on 24 April 2014 by Dr. Jemma Purdey and Prof. David Lowe, both of Deakin University, and Dr. Ahmad Suaedy of the Abdurrahman Wahid Centre for Inter-faith Dialogue and Peace at Univertas Indonesia. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary and a photo. -
Interview with Ahmad Agus Setiawan
Ahmad Agus Setiawan is an Indonesian who studied at Curtin University in 2004-2008. After completing his Masters degree in Sweden, he was awarded an Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) to complete his PhD in Environmental Engineering in Australia. The interview was conducted in English on 26 May 2014 by Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary, and a photograph. -
Interview with Agus Sumule
Agus Sumule is an Indonesian who studied at the University of Queensland in 1990-1994. He studied on an Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB) Scholarship and completed a PhD in Agriculture. The interview was conducted in Indonesian on 20 July 2014 by Dr. Ahmad Suaedy of the Abdurrahman Wahid Centre for Inter-faith Dialogue and Peace at Universitas Indonesia. This set comprises: an interview recording, a photograph and a transcript of the interview (also in Indonesian). -
Interview with Adi Widodo Mudigdo
Adi Widodo Mudigdo is an Indonesian who studied at the University of Melbourne in 1962-1967. He was able to study in Australia through The Colombo Plan, and he completed a Bachelor of Architecture. The interview was conducted by Dr. Jemma Purdey and Prof. David Lowe, both of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording and a timed summary. -
Interview with Abner Yalu
Abner Yalu is a Papua New Guinean who studied at the University of Queensland in 2006-2007. He studied on an Endeavour Scholarship and completed a Masters in Agriculture. The interview was conducted in English on 8 September 2014 by Dr. Jonathan Ritchie of Deakin University and Dr. Musawe Sinebare of the Pacific Adventist University. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary, and a photograph.